Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unanswered prayers

Do you remember that song Garth Brooks did back in the day "Unanswered Prayers" ? It was about him running into an old flame while with his wife and he realized that had God answered his prayer of restoring that old relationship he never would have the wonderful wife he has now.  I was reminded of an unanswered prayer the other night while watching TV.  Back many moons ago when my husband and I were just dreamers of what we would be, he dreamed of making it big in the music business. He had all the talent he needed to take him anywhere he wanted to go. We would dream of one day being at the Grammy's hearing his name called.  I was so sure it would happen that when I picked out my senior high prom dress I said " I am going to wear this dress when my honey receives his first Grammy."
As he and I watched the 51st Grammy Awards together Sunday night I sat holding back tears being so thankful for the unanswered prayers, the unfulfilled dream of "making it big" in the music industry . I wondered what our lives would be like if we were living in California or NYC, trying to raise our girls in that life.  I wondered how many people we would be reaching for Christ if we had gone down that path.   I sat thinking about how just that morning my husband stood on a much more impressive stage leading people in an amazing worship to their God, some for the very first time.  I sat overwhelmed with emotion at what a strong man of God I am married to and so grateful for the life he leads, the integrity he has and the eternal impact he has on peoples lives because of the path he chose to follow.  Could he have "made it big"? I have no doubt, he has more talent in his pinky then most people do in their entire body.  But he chose to follow where God led him and because of that our children (and the children of many other families,) will live a life as fully devoted followers of Christ. An abundant life full of peace, security, hope and faith (not at all what we witnessed as we watched the Grammy's) The path wasn't always fun, some days miserable, but God has always held his hand leading him along the way. And he has always trusted God's guiding hand, knowing that God's plans for him(and his family) are much more fulfilling than anything he can dream up.  Thank you God for the man you put in my life, the father you gave my girls, the gifts you have given him and the choices he has made on how to use them.  


  1. Very well put. I think that "making it big" is a relative term and that the working that Brett is doing now is so much more important that putting out album after album could be... You guys are exactly where God wants ya!! And that, my dear, is perfect!!

  2. I'm so glad that he didn't make it 'big' too! :) Selfishly, that is. There are so many people's lives in Greensboro, NC that would be so much poorer if you and Brett weren't in it.

  3. I was just thinking the other day about how you and Brett stood by me after the whole "car" issue...something in all my growing up in church life that I had never experienced from a church leader. It changed me, it really did. What would my life be without you and Brett? I really just don't want to think about that. Love you.

  4. I wouldn't trade one second...even the bad ones.

    I have something funny to say too, but Ill have to tell you privately...don't want to corrupt your blog! ;)
